by Natalie Morey | Jul 27, 2021 | Declutter tips, Home Office, Home Organisation, Office Organising, Tips
I use these 10 tips for coping during lockdown every single day. They work and help me keep on track of what is a crazy time at the moment.
Make friends with your slow cooker
I’m a bit of a slow cooker connoisseur. I prep my veggies, and get them all cut up and meat ready the night before. Then, in the morning all I need to do is pop them in the slow cooker. After a challenging day of home schooling and wrangling kids and trying to juggle work (and stay sane) I don’t have to think about dinner as it’s done.

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref:
Batch cooking
If you’re making Spaghetti Bolognese, make a double quantity and freeze the other batch. This week we are having Pumpkin Ravioli, Spaghetti Bolognese and Shepard’s Pie, all out of the freezer. Then all you need to do is cook some veggies or makem a quick salad and dinner is done.
10 minutes a day keeps the pile away
Ironing is probably the last thing on your mind at the moment but if you do 10 minutes a day it will keep it in check.
I miss my cleaner
Obviously, my cleaner cannot come at the moment and the last thing I have time to do is clean. So, I just do 5 minutes here and there. As soon as I have showered, I wipe out the shower. It’s amazing the difference this makes and your shower won’t need a proper clean for weeks. A quick wipe over the bathroom mirror and vanity after the kids have cleaned their teeth means another job done. Five minutes here and there makes a big difference. Although one of the benefits of lockdown is that no one will be coming to visit you anyway, so maybe cleaning doesn’t need to be high on your list either!!!
Take 10 minutes for yourself
Before the craziness of the day starts I make a cup of tea and go and sit quietly (away from the kids) and take the time to drink it in peace (and whilst it’s hot). Its amazing how you feel if you can just get 10 minutes here and there to yourself.

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref:
Book that appointment
We won’t be in lockdown for ever (even though it does feel like that some days). So, book that facial or massage now so that when lockdown is finished you have already secured your spot.
Plan out your week
Map out those important meeting that you cannot miss and plan your day around them. Let the family know too. If you need to get the kids set up with Google Meets first thing in the morning, then schedule any “must do” meetings in the afternoon.
Recharge at night
Be sure to recharge all your device e.g., iPads at night ready for the next day of learning.
Bribe your kids
Normally not one that I would suggest but do whatever it takes to get it all done. If you have little kids perhaps start a reward chart for them. They get stickers (and eventually a reward) for doing good things like not coming into the office when you’re on a Zoom meeting, or completing their school work for the day.
The last of my 10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Up your vitamins and greens
Let’s be honest, we are all probably burning the candle at both ends. So now is the time to up your dose of Vitamins so you can cope. I know I finished work at 11pm last night so I definitely need some extra energy today.
Good luck with lockdown 5.0. Hopefully it won’t be long and we will be back out again.
Want more tips on coping during lockdown? Then check out our blog on: Master Working From Home.
Whilst we cannot go and do any home organising we are still helping our clients virtually. So if you need some help, we are only a phone call away.
by Natalie Morey | Feb 23, 2017 | Home Organisation, Tips

Get to get organised
I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to run late if I’m not organised.
I worked with a client recently to help her get organised. Her biggest gripe was that she was always running late. Late to work. Late to pick up the kids. Late to visit friends. Late with dinner. And she wanted to fix this problem.
I know myself, if I’m not organised then I am guaranteed to run late. So I could totally understand where she was coming from. So here’s my tips to help you get out the door, on time, every time.
It all comes down to planning. It doesn’t have to be military precision, but the more planning you do, the more likely you will be on time. Plus, the more kids you have, the more planning you need to do. So for example, if you know you are going somewhere tomorrow morning, then work out:
- What time you need to leave to get their on time.
- Consider if you need to allow extra time to park or if you will hit peak hour or school traffic.
- Do you need to get petrol on the way?
Then allow an extra 10 minutes, as a buffer. So if you had planned on leaving at 9.15am aim to be in the car at 9.05am. Easy!
If you are taking the kids then ensure they know what is expected of them in the morning. Explain the night before, that they will need to be up at a set time in the morning.
Allow extra time
As I mentioned above, factor in a 10 minute buffer zone. I’ve got little kids and it never fails that as soon as you are ready to get in the car, they do a poo. So their nappy needs to be changed. And, if you’ve got big kids, they still need to be managed too.
How long does it take to do one’s hair?
I mean really!
Do you really need to be snap chatting or texting at 8am in the morning!
Most teenage kids only know one pace. Dawdle!
Plus some kids are just not morning risers. So you need to plan for this. Explain the night before what the deal is. What time they will need to be up in the morning. And then stay one step ahead of them by calling them 15 minutes earlier than required.
Organise your clothes the night before
Each night I work out what I am going to be wearing for the following day. It’s out, ironed and ready to go. Then, there’s no procrastinating in the morning about what to wear. If you want to be super organised, plan your wardrobe on Sunday. Iron and hang it some separate so you are organised for the entire week. Easy!
I do this for my kids as well. So, then I’m not running around trying to find their clothes in the morning. Plus it avoids arguments.
If they are at the stage where they want to dress themselves, then get them involved. Get them to choose their own clothes the night before. There’s nothing worse in the morning. You’re now running late. You’re screening at the kids to get in the car and you realise your daughter is dressed like a bumble bee!
Don’t waste time looking for lost keys
Have one spot where your keys and phone get put. Perhaps you need to hang a hook inside the front door. Or set up a “drop zone” somewhere in your house where your keys and phone are put religiously.
Is it in the top draw in the kitchen? A bowl setting on the bench. Or on the hallway table. Basically whatever works for your home!
Get up 15 minutes earlier than planned
I find this really useful, especially if you have to get kids organised to. Get up, get yourself organised and perhaps even have your breakfast first. You want to avoid shoving cold toast in your mouth as you run out the door…running late again!
The Lifestylers Group is a professional organising and decluttering service, based in Melbourne and assisting clients in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.
by Natalie Morey | Aug 4, 2016 | Home Office, Home Organisation, Tips
Being organised is the start of achieving work like balance. So too is commitment, focus and dedication in achieving work life balance. These 8 tips to create work life balance are aimed at helping you to create work life balance. It’s definitely not easy and the wheels are going to fall off every so often, and that’s fine. What’s important is that you stay committed to the goal of work life balance.
8 tips to create work life balance

- Sync your calendars. Consolidate all your personal and work commitments into the same calendar. That way you won’t forget anything and I find it makes me work more efficiently during the work day if they are all stored in the same spot.
- Block out your time. Block out “fun” time in your diary. Get tough and make this “not negotiable”. Don’t let work take over and therefor you miss out on social activities.
- Plan, plan and plan. The key to work life balance is all about planning. Sit down at the start of each month and update your calendar, making sure you have scheduled in all the tasks you need to do and some fun stuff too. Obviously this will keep evolving over the coming month and you will keep adding to it.
- Record key birthdays in your calendar. Put all the key birthdays in your outlook calendar and set them up as repeating events. That way they will show up every year. You will know when you need to be taking time off work to spend with loved ones.
- Start small. Try adding even the tiniest tasks to your daily to do list. Then, when you cross them off the list, you already feel a sense of accomplishment and gain the momentum you need to tackle the bigger more daunting tasks.
- Work out. Did you know that fitness is the driving force that keeps people energised, focused and motivated? Take the time you deserve to do a little bit of exercise every day. Even if that’s 30 minutes at once or 10 minutes at a time throughout the day. Don’t have 10 minutes. Then what about 7 minutes? Have you heard of the 7 Minute Workout? It’s a free daily fitness routine found on the App Store.
- Learn to say no. “Sometimes work-life balance means saying “no”, politely of course. When an opportunity, activity or request comes up that doesn’t fit into your schedule, or is going to put you under too much pressure, sometimes you’ve just have to say no.
- Prepare for the day ahead. Before going to bed, pack up anything you need for the next morning including clothes and a health lunch. Being prepared will help you get out the door quickly. Plus, you can relax going to bed knowing that you are all organised for the day ahead.
If you are struggling to achieve work life balance in your life, then perhaps you need some expert help. The Lifestylers Group is a personal concierge service that can do many of your daily tasks. Our goal is for you to have more free time to do the things you want to do, not have to do!
by Natalie Morey | May 25, 2016 | Home Organisation, Personal concierge, Tips
Are you always busy and always playing catch up? Do you wish that you could be more organised? Is there never enough hours in the day, to get everything done?
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours every day. You cannot change that, but what you can change is how you use your time throughout the day.
Tips To Stop the Busyness and Get You Organised
Here’s a few tips to help get you organised and “get the most” out of your day.
- Use Sunday morning to prepare for the week ahead and map out a weekly plan listing everything that is happening. Kid’s activities, personal appointments and important dates should all be included on your list. Include a meal plan for the week noting down what’s for dinner every night. It is so much easier when you get to Thursday and you know exactly what you’re having for dinner.
- Write a list the night before you go to bed or leave work and include everything you need to do the next day. Then prioritise that list with the most important things at the top of the list.
- Don’t become overwhelmed by what you have to do. One of the fastest ways to overwhelm yourself is to think about your massive to-do list. Realise that no amount of thought will make it any shorter. Just start working your way through it.
- Complete the most important tasks first. It’s a great feeling when you can tick off a few tasks from your to do list.
- Learn to say “no”. Sometimes we just take on too much and you need to say “no”. Try it, you might be surprised at the impact it can have on your day.
- Sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. Some people think sacrificing sleep is a good way to increase productivity and get a couple of extra hours out of the day. However, this is not the case as most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally. You know if you’re getting enough. Listen to your body, and don’t underestimate the value of having enough sleep to ensure you have a productive day.
- Devote your entire focus to the task at hand (or what’s on your list). There is lots of research out there now to indicate that multi-tasking may not be as efficient as we all first though.
- Work smarter not harder. The old adage, “work smarter, not harder” is so true. Sometimes though, we are so busy on the merry go round of life that we simply don’t have time to stop and think about what we are doing, or if it can be done better. Managing your time isn’t about squeezing as many tasks into your day as possible. It’s about simplifying how you work, doing things faster and relieving stress.
- Ask yourself, can I outsource any of the tasks on my to do list? Would getting a cleaner free up a few extra hours that I could spend with my family or friends. Do I spend way too much time trying to “find” stuff in my wardrobe or home office? Do I need to get some systems and procedures in my life or home? Perhaps a session with a professional organiser might help to get your organised. Working smarter is about clearing away space in your life to make time for people, play, and rest. I promise you — there really are enough hours in a day for everything you’d like to do, but it may take a bit of rearranging to find them.
The Lifestylers Group offers a personal concierge and professional organising service in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.
by Natalie Morey | Sep 28, 2012 | Declutter tips, Tips
How to Become Organized
As professional organisers, we love lists. They help us stay organized, get the most out of our day and ensure we complete everything that needs to be done. Here are a few handy tips to help you when organizing your “to-do list”.
Tips to Help You Get Organized
1. Write a “to–do” list the night before. The last job you should do before you finish for the day is to write your list for tomorrow. As soon as you clear the clutter in your head, you automatically feel more organised and less stressed. There is also nothing better than knowing that you are prepared for the next day. It saves you time in the morning and you can start off feeling organised. Best of all, you won’t wake up in the night, worrying about something. Remember, decluttering your mind is just as important as decluttering your physical space.
2. Once on paper, you can plan, prioritise and get a system in place for managing your day. Prioritising your list and working out which are the most important tasks to be done first, is really important because, let’s face it, often you won’t be able to tackle everything on your list at once.

Get organised. Write a “to-do” list as it really helps you plan your day.
Make Your List Achievable
3. Make it achievable – don’t put too many tasks on your list which you know you will never get through. It becomes disheartening and you will start to feel unmotivated. There is nothing more rewarding when you can tick something off your list.
Stick To Your List
4. Stick to your list. Achieving everything on your list takes discipline. It is really important to stick to your list and make sure you complete what is on there before you start adding other things onto it. If something pops up, ask yourself is it a priority and does it need to be done today, and then decide if it goes on the list for today or tomorrow and also what priority it should have.
Completing Tasks On Your To-Do List
5. Tick off the tasks when they are completed. As I mentioned, there is nothing better and more rewarding when you look back at the end of the day and see everything is ticked off.
6. Don’t procrastinate and allow yourself to get side tracked. If you want a coffee, tell yourself that you can have one, once you have completed a task (or perhaps two) off your list.
7. Be time specific when you are writing your list and make sure you have a timeframe as to when your tasks must be completed by.
Getting organised and staying organised is all about changing your habits and carefully planning your day.
Until next time, happy organising.
Natalie Morey, Professional Organiser