by Natalie Morey | Sep 18, 2023 | Declutter tips, Home Organisation, Pantry Declutter, Pantry organization, Tips
Welcome to our Spring Declutter Challenge which kicks off on Saturday 23rd of September. All you need is 30 minutes a day (60 minutes if you can) to declutter and refresh as many of those potentially ‘unorganised’ or ‘cluttered’ spaces in your home. Good Luck!
Day 1- Drop Zones
These are the places where we leave things such as paperwork or bills to attend to at a later date such as the kitchen bench or a drawer in the kitchen or office. So here’s our 3 step process to quickly clear this area:
Step 1 – Spend 30 minutes going through old paperwork or bills and decide whether you need to keep them anymore.
Step 2 – Throw away/shred anything you no longer need and recycle old newspapers and junk mail.
Step 3 – Think about whether you could organise the space differently by using different storage options like a magazine file for paperwork, intray or a box to keep all the incoming bills and mail in.
Officeworks has a great range of magazine/file holders in beautiful colours! Check out their full range here.
Day 2 – Fridge Declutter
What is lurking in the back of your fridge? Today is the day to go through, shelf by shelf and take out all the items, check the used by dates and throw away anything that’s out of date. Then, do a deep-clean of the interior of your fridge with warm soapy water to wipe out any residue or spilt food you might have missed.
Spring Decluttering Challenge Tip # 1: Baking soda is known to catch and absorb odours so fill up a little bowl and pop it in the fridge too.
Next, place food back in the fridge once checked and remember to keep a list of things that were thrown out and you need to replace.
Spring Decluttering Challenge TIP #2: Create an “Eat me first” section. This works well to reminder you to eat food items before their expiry dates. It’s also handy to keep them at eye level, so they are easy to spot. Don’t forget to store items in air-tight containers too as this will keep them fresher for longer. And remember to give the outside of the fridge/freezer a good clean as well.
If you get into the habit of doing a quick wipe out of your fridge each week, before you pop all your fresh weekly shopping in there, you’ll find it cuts down on this cleaning time.
Day 3 – Bathroom Declutter
Spend 30 minutes going through your bathroom drawers, cupboards and throwing away anything that you no longer use. Pay particular attention to your makeup drawer or makeup storage area and if you have time to give the makeup brushes a wash, even better! Don’t forget to give the drawers and cupboards you’ve decluttered a good wipe out as well.
How long should you keep makeup for?
Here is a list of common makeup products and their suggested expiry dates as recommended by Choice. To read the full list from Choice, click here.
- Eyeliners and pencils:Pencil eyeliners are a typically wax-based product and should have no bacterial contamination but keeping them sharpened will help to keep them clean.
- Face and body moisturisers:Unopened, three years. Opened, six months.
- Hairstyling products:Three to five years. Most use alcohol in the formulation, which acts as a preservative. If non-aerosol and no alcohol is listed on the label, then treat as shampoos (see below).
- Lipstick and gloss: Unopened, five years. Opened, 12 months.
- Makeup foundation:Unopened, three years. Opened, six months.
- Mascara and liquid eyeliner(brush in vial): Unopened, three years. Opened, three months.
- Nail polish:Unopened, three years. Opened, six months.
- Nail polish remover:Useable indefinitely.
- Oils and serums: Unopened, three years. Opened, six months.
- Perfumes and aftershaves: Unopened, five years. Opened, 12 months, for best composition. For best longevity, keep them in a cool place away from bright, direct light.
- Self-tanning lotions: Unopened, three years. Opened, six months.
Day 4 – Wardrobe Declutter
A spring declutter challenge would not be complete with getting in and tackling your wardrobe. Now, you are probably going to need more than 30 minutes on this declutter though.
Start with the hanging section in your wardrobe first and go through item by item. Do you have items that you have not worn in the past 12 months. Perhaps you need to ask yourself the following question – If someone asked you to attend a party, function, coffee catch up or work function – would you wear that item? Consider giving the item to charity or a friend who might make use of it if you don’t think you will wear it. And, if you are holding onto an item because it was expensive, then consider selling the item on a platform such as Facebook Marketplace or a luxury second hand clothing retailer.
Next, put things back in the wardrobe and group like items together and colour block them i.e., put all white shirts together and so can do the same process for your folded items too.
Spring Decluttering Challenge TIP # 1 Bag up all your unwanted items and pop them straight in your car ready to drop off at our local charity. The last thing you want is them making there way back into your wardrobe!
Now its onto your underwear and sock drawer to see if there is anything you can immediately throw away based on the condition of the item. You could also look at utilising some storage containers to help keep items more organised if you don’t already have containers. And if you live in a sunny location, perhaps its time to remove big heavy jackets or winter clothing items that won’t be worn till next year. You could pop them in a space bag and store elsewhere and rotate your wardrobe making summer items more accessible.
Day 5 – Spring Decluttering Challenge – Pantry Declutter
One of our favourite areas of the home to organise. Given we use this area every day, it makes sense to have a well organised and functional space.
Step 1 – Start by removing everything and checking the use by dates on all food items and throw away anything out of date.
Spring Decluttering Challenge TIP #1. Don’t forgot to start a list of items that you need to replace. There’s nothing worse when you are halfway through cooking something and you realise that you threw that ingredient out last week.
Step 2 – Next, identify items that you don’t think you will use and bin them.
Step 3 – Wipe out your pantry with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly.
Step 4 – Finally, set up zones or areas in your pantry, grouping like items together and put items that you use the most at the front and easily accessible.
Now is also the perfect time to think about better ways to store and display pantry items. Consider purchasing some containers to help you sort them into categories. Plastic tubs, baskets or Lazy Susan’s are great to help keep things organised. And, if you don’t have labels on your containers, then now is the perfect time to pop some on.
Day 6 – Garage Spring Declutter Challenge
Often we place items in the garage that we no longer need or use inside the home, and they stay in the garage for years or until we move house! So know is the time to go through big items that are taking up valuable space and think about whether you will ever use these again or whether family members have outgrown them. You may be able to sell items like extra furniture, kid’s bikes, scooters or ski gear that has been outgrown. You can also check out your local Facebook pages for groups like “Buy, Swap and Sell”, “Buy Nothing” or “Things for Free”. Otherwise you might be time to organise a hard rubbish collection.
For more garage organising tips, check out this blog.
Day 7 – Laundry Declutter
Usually the laundry isn’t too bad, unless the laundry/utility room is your dumping ground for things that don’t have a home or place to put them. Spend 30 minutes removing anything that doesn’t belong in there and make sure it’s put back into a place with other like items. Now its time to give the washing machine seal a good wipe out. The dirt that disappears from your clothes, towels and sheets has to go somewhere! Your washing machine might also harbor leftover detergent, hard-water deposits and mildew around the lid. That means grime can build up inside your washing machine over time.
To ensure your freshly washed clothes and linens are as clean as possible, follow these steps on how to clean a washing machine. These instructions work for cleaning front-loading and top-loading washing machines, but it’s worth checking if your particular brand has any special requirements.
If your washing machine has a self-clean function, choose that cycle and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to clean it. If it does not, then follow these steps.
Step 1 – Run an empty, regular cycle on hot, using two cups of white vinegar instead of detergent which you add to the detergent dispenser. And don’t worry about harming your machine, as white vinegar will not damage clothes. The hot water-vinegar combo removes and prevents bacteria growth. Vinegar can also act as a deodorizer and cut through mildew odours.
If you have a top-loading washer, you can pause the machine during the hot-water cycle. Allow the tub to fill and agitate for about a minute, then pause the cycle for an hour and let the vinegar soak, then empty. You could also add some lemon juice to the water.
Step 2 – Wipe down the machine’s exterior using a damp cloth and the vinegar water solution. To prevent Mold or mildew growth, leave the door open for a few hours after each wash to let the moisture dry out.
Step 3 – Do a deep clean and use a toothbrush to scrub hard-to-reach spots around the lid and under the rim of the tub. And don’t forget your dryer. Wipe over your dryer especially where lint can accumulate.
We hope that our Spring Decluttering Challenge has been useful. For other great home organisation, decluttering or styling tips see our other BLOG articles.
by Natalie Morey | Feb 23, 2023 | Declutter tips, Home Organisation, Kids Organising, Pantry Declutter, Pantry organization, School Routine
The holidays are done. School is back and the routine has started. Is anyone else struggling to get back into routine? I think we have come out of COVID lockdowns, then packed everything into last year. Then, when we finally stopped for Christmas holidays, we really stopped. And, it has been extra hard trying to get back into the school routine (even after a few weeks)ol. So, if you are like me and have found it hard getting back into routine here is 8 tips to get you back into routine.
Sunday Session
My preparation for the week starts on a Sunday. Each Sunday I spend a few minutes planning out my week. I have a weekly planner that I put on the fridge, so everyone knows what’s happening and when. All the kid’s activities and classes are listed along with anything else happening for the week. I also list down what we are having for dinner every night. Spending a few minutes on a Sunday always ensures a more organised week. And I know when I don’t do my planning on a Sunday, I inevitably miss something during the week.
Organise your Schedule
In addition to a more detailed weekly planner you should also have a 12 month planner as well. If you haven’t previously done one, it’s not too late to find a planner that suits you. You may prefer a paper planner, a shared online calendar or an app for your phone or tablet. Whichever you choose, start off right by entering times and commitments you already know about.
Pack for Weekly Activities
As mentioned above I list all the kid’s’ activities on my weekly planner. I then ensure all their uniforms are ironed and together on a Sunday. (For my son’s basketball gear, I use one of those combination coat hanger with clips, so his basketball shorts are already on the hanger with his top – so, there’s no last minute panic to find the right shorts).
For the swimming bag, the towels and bathers are put straight back in there after they have been washed. As our swimming lessons are at 5pm I also pack their change of clothes (PJ’s given the time) in the bag as well. That way, I’m not running around madly on swimming night trying to find their gear.
Put all the items you’ll need out the night before. This goes for the kids stuff too. School bags are packed, shoes are cleaned and out and their hat is in their bag. Oh, and don’t forget their socks too. This helps avoid that last minute rush too.
Lunch Prep
Start prepping lunch boxes the night before, by packing any fruit and snacks. I generally like to make sandwiches fresh in the morning though, but if everything else is done, then it saves me time. Don’t forget to fill the kids water bottles and pop in the fridge the night before too.
After School Snacks
Organise School Lunch Boxes
If the kids are going straight to sport activities after school, pack those snacks separately so you can take them with you when you pick up the kids.
Double Batch your Cooking
I love having a few pre-prepared meals in the freeze. This is perfect for those busy weeks. So, when I cook something like lasagne I do a double batch, eating one that night for dinner and freezing the other. Last week I starting doing “triple batches” so I have a nice stock pile of Meatballs and Lasagna. Highly recommend. Need a meal planner checklist. Check out this one. Need more inspiration on meal planning, then click here.
Get Up 10 Minutes Early
8 Tips To Get You Back Into The School Routine
Of the 8 tips to get you back into the school routine I think getting up 10 minutes early can make a massive difference. Even if it just gives you time to have a coffee in peace, or double check that everything is organise before the kids get up, it can make a big difference.
I hope these 8 tips to get you back into the school routine help.
by Natalie Morey | Jul 27, 2021 | Declutter tips, Home Office, Home Organisation, Office Organising, Tips
I use these 10 tips for coping during lockdown every single day. They work and help me keep on track of what is a crazy time at the moment.
Make friends with your slow cooker
I’m a bit of a slow cooker connoisseur. I prep my veggies, and get them all cut up and meat ready the night before. Then, in the morning all I need to do is pop them in the slow cooker. After a challenging day of home schooling and wrangling kids and trying to juggle work (and stay sane) I don’t have to think about dinner as it’s done.
10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref:
Batch cooking
If you’re making Spaghetti Bolognese, make a double quantity and freeze the other batch. This week we are having Pumpkin Ravioli, Spaghetti Bolognese and Shepard’s Pie, all out of the freezer. Then all you need to do is cook some veggies or makem a quick salad and dinner is done.
10 minutes a day keeps the pile away
Ironing is probably the last thing on your mind at the moment but if you do 10 minutes a day it will keep it in check.
I miss my cleaner
Obviously, my cleaner cannot come at the moment and the last thing I have time to do is clean. So, I just do 5 minutes here and there. As soon as I have showered, I wipe out the shower. It’s amazing the difference this makes and your shower won’t need a proper clean for weeks. A quick wipe over the bathroom mirror and vanity after the kids have cleaned their teeth means another job done. Five minutes here and there makes a big difference. Although one of the benefits of lockdown is that no one will be coming to visit you anyway, so maybe cleaning doesn’t need to be high on your list either!!!
Take 10 minutes for yourself
Before the craziness of the day starts I make a cup of tea and go and sit quietly (away from the kids) and take the time to drink it in peace (and whilst it’s hot). Its amazing how you feel if you can just get 10 minutes here and there to yourself.
10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref:
Book that appointment
We won’t be in lockdown for ever (even though it does feel like that some days). So, book that facial or massage now so that when lockdown is finished you have already secured your spot.
Plan out your week
Map out those important meeting that you cannot miss and plan your day around them. Let the family know too. If you need to get the kids set up with Google Meets first thing in the morning, then schedule any “must do” meetings in the afternoon.
Recharge at night
Be sure to recharge all your device e.g., iPads at night ready for the next day of learning.
Bribe your kids
Normally not one that I would suggest but do whatever it takes to get it all done. If you have little kids perhaps start a reward chart for them. They get stickers (and eventually a reward) for doing good things like not coming into the office when you’re on a Zoom meeting, or completing their school work for the day.
The last of my 10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Up your vitamins and greens
Let’s be honest, we are all probably burning the candle at both ends. So now is the time to up your dose of Vitamins so you can cope. I know I finished work at 11pm last night so I definitely need some extra energy today.
Good luck with lockdown 5.0. Hopefully it won’t be long and we will be back out again.
Want more tips on coping during lockdown? Then check out our blog on: Master Working From Home.
Whilst we cannot go and do any home organising we are still helping our clients virtually. So if you need some help, we are only a phone call away.
by Natalie Morey | May 2, 2017 | Declutter tips, Home Organisation
When did you make the time to declutter your books? If you’re like me, I’m tipping it hasn’t been recently.
Declutter your books
Declutter your books in 5 easy steps.
When your books start to build up and create clutter on your bookshelves, bedside table or book shelves its time to declutter. So here’s 5 steps to help make the process of decluttering your books easier.
Set time aside to declutter your books.
You need to set designated time aside if you want to declutter any space. If you don’t have an hour, then just allocate 10 or 15 minutes and don’t stop till the time is up. Just remember though, once you have culled and decluttered your book shelve, bundle the books up ready to be dropped off (also set a date by which they must be dropped off). If you only have 10 or 15 minutes for a declutter session, then also make sure you set yourself a goal as to when you want to have the entire book shelve decluttered.
One shelf at a time.
Like any declutter project you need to start small. So in this instance when you are decluttering your book shelf, start decluttering one shelve at a time. Work from the top down. And if they are spilling out onto the floor, then that is the best place to start your declutter.
Will you really read it again?
I know myself, I had a heap of books that I was never going to read again. So I decided it was time to clear the clutter and let go. With any decluttering that you do, maximum impact is made when you can let go of more items. Plus, it is so much easier to organise and style a book shelve that is not jam packed with books. So keep that in mind with you when you start your declutter.
Why are you keeping those books anyway?
I realised that I was keeping a heap of my old university books. Why? I think it was because of all the memories that they brought back. But the reality was, I was never going to use my Macro Economics book again (I hated the subject then and my opinion has not changed), so why was a keeping it, so they had to go. Declutter and be gone!
Declutter your books and donate.
Feel good about decluttering your books by donating them to someone who can use them. I recently did a declutter for a client and we donated books that were in very good condition to her local library. The library then sold the books and used the money to buy more books.
Other places to donate books to include: they have branches in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.
The Lifestylers Group provides decluttering assistance in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. For assistance with any declutter project (the kitchen, bedroom, office, wardrobes, garage) contact us.
Image credit:
by Natalie Morey | Feb 23, 2017 | Home Organisation, Tips
Get to get organised
I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to run late if I’m not organised.
I worked with a client recently to help her get organised. Her biggest gripe was that she was always running late. Late to work. Late to pick up the kids. Late to visit friends. Late with dinner. And she wanted to fix this problem.
I know myself, if I’m not organised then I am guaranteed to run late. So I could totally understand where she was coming from. So here’s my tips to help you get out the door, on time, every time.
It all comes down to planning. It doesn’t have to be military precision, but the more planning you do, the more likely you will be on time. Plus, the more kids you have, the more planning you need to do. So for example, if you know you are going somewhere tomorrow morning, then work out:
- What time you need to leave to get their on time.
- Consider if you need to allow extra time to park or if you will hit peak hour or school traffic.
- Do you need to get petrol on the way?
Then allow an extra 10 minutes, as a buffer. So if you had planned on leaving at 9.15am aim to be in the car at 9.05am. Easy!
If you are taking the kids then ensure they know what is expected of them in the morning. Explain the night before, that they will need to be up at a set time in the morning.
Allow extra time
As I mentioned above, factor in a 10 minute buffer zone. I’ve got little kids and it never fails that as soon as you are ready to get in the car, they do a poo. So their nappy needs to be changed. And, if you’ve got big kids, they still need to be managed too.
How long does it take to do one’s hair?
I mean really!
Do you really need to be snap chatting or texting at 8am in the morning!
Most teenage kids only know one pace. Dawdle!
Plus some kids are just not morning risers. So you need to plan for this. Explain the night before what the deal is. What time they will need to be up in the morning. And then stay one step ahead of them by calling them 15 minutes earlier than required.
Organise your clothes the night before
Each night I work out what I am going to be wearing for the following day. It’s out, ironed and ready to go. Then, there’s no procrastinating in the morning about what to wear. If you want to be super organised, plan your wardrobe on Sunday. Iron and hang it some separate so you are organised for the entire week. Easy!
I do this for my kids as well. So, then I’m not running around trying to find their clothes in the morning. Plus it avoids arguments.
If they are at the stage where they want to dress themselves, then get them involved. Get them to choose their own clothes the night before. There’s nothing worse in the morning. You’re now running late. You’re screening at the kids to get in the car and you realise your daughter is dressed like a bumble bee!
Don’t waste time looking for lost keys
Have one spot where your keys and phone get put. Perhaps you need to hang a hook inside the front door. Or set up a “drop zone” somewhere in your house where your keys and phone are put religiously.
Is it in the top draw in the kitchen? A bowl setting on the bench. Or on the hallway table. Basically whatever works for your home!
Get up 15 minutes earlier than planned
I find this really useful, especially if you have to get kids organised to. Get up, get yourself organised and perhaps even have your breakfast first. You want to avoid shoving cold toast in your mouth as you run out the door…running late again!
The Lifestylers Group is a professional organising and decluttering service, based in Melbourne and assisting clients in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.